Puerto Rico as a Local

Puerto Rico as a Local is a tourism guide that wanted a website to reach the world to attract new travelers by offering fun adventures on the island for a great price.

The concept was simple, they needed to sell through their website the adventure they were offering to a user that probably has never been to the island. With this in mind and the feedback the client brought to the table I designed a clean but image focused structure, creating and breaking grids, letting the images sell the idea of going on an adventure, of course the beautiful pictures of the island also help a lot. Each tour(adventure) page structure was created with a focus on what the users would probably want to know at first hand and be able to book a tour from any part of the website.

During the development I reaized that while I live in Puerto Rico there are still many new things for me to do. If you haven't been here check out their tours, I'm sure you will find an interesting one.

This project was done for Websoft PR.
